Camarina Archaeological Museum

Project:  Arch. Fabrizio Bianchetti, Arch. Cons. Antonio Buscema, Arch. Giovanni Cavalieri, Ing. Giuseppe Firullo, Ing. Stefano Rossi

The design solutions are configured as a set of techniques aimed at improving the conditions of visitability of the entire archaeological area of ​​Camarina and at its enhancement within a broader cultural circuit involving the entire Ragusa museum complex. The aim is to reach a wide audience of users interested both in the archaeological value of the area and in its characteristics of enormous landscape value.

On the one hand, work was carried out on the outdoor spaces of the park, improving the routes and providing them with both analogical and digital information support and providing for the construction of pavilions to protect the archaeological remains. The pavilions include the "light" symbolic reconstruction in "iron wire" of the contours of the original buildings and a glass roof of the spaces where archaeological remains are still present.

On the other hand, work has also been carried out on recovering the museum entrance space, where the themes of the park are explained through a new interactive set-up, as well as the historical-archaeological references for understanding the archaeological area and where some relevant finds and documents about the visit routes are exhibited.