BIANCHETTIARCHITETTURA SA has decided to adopt a Quality Management System compliant with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard, to guarantee the satisfaction of its customers and improve efficiency in the supply of design and specialist consultancy services in the Architecture and Industrial Design sectors.
Quality Austria - Trainings, Zertifizierungsund Begutachtungs GmbH has issued the 23976/0 certification since 2020 for the Design and provision of services for architecture: project coordination and integrated planning, construction supervision, safety coordination during the design and execution phase.
The goal is the development of the architectural project intended as a critical, technical and creative process, without forgetting the verification in terms of effective executability, in its technical and technological contents. We intend to develop an ethic design immersed in the present, but that knows how to relate to the legacy of the past both in cultural terms and with regard to the monumental and building heritage inherited, as well as to develop a responsible approach towards the sustainable management of available resources, respecting future generations.
BIANCHETTIARCHITETTURA SA adheres, on a voluntary basis and for the express desire of its founder, to the ethical principles of the Plana Cultural Association projects, in particular the grandesignEtico and Etico/Etichal projects. In addition, the architect Fabrizio Bianchetti works as President and Coordinator of the Ethics Presidi of the Plana Cultural Association.
The design activities of BIANCHETTIARCHITETTURA are attributable to the map of ethical principles, as proposed below.