The swimming pool of Macugnaga

Project:  Arch. Fabrizio Bianchetti, Arch. Antonio Piva, Arch. Alfredo Castiglioni, Arch. Paolo Talso, Arch. Gianfranco Ciuffo, Ing. Giambattista Parietti

The rehabilitation of the former Congress hut

The rehabilitation of the former Congress hut in Macugnaga offers the opportunity for the creation of a new public swimming pool with fitness and wellness services to residents and the many vacationers who populate the well known tourist resort of Monte Rosa. The project included the recovery of the pre-existing volumes and the technical and functional renovation of all interior environments in anticipation of the new destination. Wood, stone and "rhythmic" openings characterize the exterior elevations of the building while the interior space on two levels include, on the ground floor, the swimming pool and a café and, upstairs, the fitness and wellness areas.