The redevelopment of the Mi-Co area and in particular of the South front has given back a new urban front of the fair area that faces the CityLife, becoming part of the new city.
The design of the new space has developed an architecture with a sober language and, while respectful of the pre-existing structures, capable of enhancing the characteristics of the materials used until they become expressive mediums of the architecture itself.
The area involves the portion of the Fiera Milano exhibition district, which, following the construction of the CityLife district, is revealed towards the city. What was once the back of the exhibition pavillons becomes a front confronting the new CityLife center.
The new project accompanied the creation of an articulated system of partly opaque facades, made of corten steel, and partly with a glass facade that also integrates an active lighting system, capable of making the elevation a multimedia surface that can vary lights, colors, information and messages. The new facade, together with the reorganization of the paths and outdoor spaces, plays a role of primary importance in designing the new skyline on the front of the park and is an urban hinge between the different parts that make up the system of the new district.
CUSTOMER: Fondazione E.A. Fiera Internazionale di Milano
DEFINITIVE PROJECT: 404Design – Arch. Giuliano Valeri
BIANCHETTIARCHITETTURA SA (Arch. Fabrizio Bianchetti e Arch. Gabriele Medina)
Ing. Stefano Rossi (structures)
Ing. Giuliano Venturelli (facade technologies)
P.I. Maurizio Tori (plant engineering)
Arch. Davide Davì (architectural lighting consultant)
Executing companies: Notarimpresa SpA - capogruppo; CMM F.lli Rizzi srl
Building works: Notarimpresa SpA
Metallic and Corten structures: CMM F.lli Rizzi srl
Glass facade: Azzimonti Paolino SpA
Scenographic lighting: ELCOM srl
Urban Furniture elements: CODAL snc
Photographs: Filippo Ferrarese Photographer