The Coordination Plan of the historic centers and ancient nuclei of the Capital and the Fractions of the Municipality of Orta San Giulio (NO)

BIANCHETTIARCHITETTURA, thanks to the many experiences gained in the study and planning of color in the built environment, has executed the new Color Plan of the historic centers and ancient nuclei of Orta San Giulio, with the task of regulating the environmental redevelopment and urban regeneration operations of the Capital and its Fractions.

The project, approved by the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the Provinces of Biella, Novara, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola and Vercelli, was preceded by an important search for archival material in order to find the typical characteristics of the local architecture as well as some colours also detected during the on-site investigations.

Each building belonging to the areas of the historic center was surveyed, noting the original colors (where traceable), the possible transformations that occurred with the passage of time and the colors that occurred subsequently (dividing them between compatible and arbitrary ones), as well as drawing up a census of the valuable elements present in the territory.

Of course, the study did not only detect the color of the facades, but also analyzed all those other characterizing elements that compose them. The structure, shape and construction materials of the portals, plinths, frames, pilaster strips and balconies were therefore studied.

The result is a new color chart that comes from the history of local architecture and can also be extended to the neighboring areas and outside the historic centers, in order to maintain a character and a "chromatic climate" that characterizes the territory of the Municipality of Orta San Giulio.