The redevelopment works of the historic center of Casale Corte Cerro (VB), with the redevelopment of the flooring and the construction of sidewalks, are underway.

The project, developed from to BIANCHETTIARCHITETTURA studio, involved the redevelopment of the areas of the historic center (limited to the south by the beginning of the climb between the former Calderoni building and Mercato, and to the north by the narrow passage that divides via Roma from via Gravellona) and the southern area (which includes via G. Marconi up to the beginning of the historic center and Piazza Pietro Carlo Barbero), crossing the key points of the city centre, such as the Church of S. Giorgio, the Town Hall, the library and the numerous commercial activities that exist on the streets affected by the intervention.

This intervention to valorise the main pre-existing structures draws inspiration from the desire to re-propose, in a contemporary key, the historical image of the town's streets, made of cobblestones with a double central lane of stone slabs to facilitate the transit of carts, a type of paving which has characterized the historic center of Casale Corte Cero until after the Second World War, a clear identifying sign of the community and its history.