BIANCHETTIARCHITETTURA and FASCICOLO 71. A look at ethical design.

The prestigious magazine FASCICOLO in its 71 – 2024 edition dedicates a space to the creation of BIANCHETTIARCHITETTURA for the archaeological museum of Kamarina (RG) Fascicolo is a magazine, founded in 1975, which was born as a quarterly and deals with architecture, furniture, art, communication, design, photography, graphics, marketing, fashion.

Since 2000 Fascicolo has become an annual publication, takes the name of Fascicolo – Grandesign Dictionary, and intends to express the thoughts, themes and objectives of grandesignEtico making use of the contribution of personalities close to the ethical thought of Plana.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Grandesign Etico award, Fascicolo dedicates a review to all the projects and creations that have distinguished themselves with prizes and mentions in the various editions of the award.