Project: Arch. Fabrizio Bianchetti (team leader), Ing. Stefano Rossi, P.I. Maurizio Tori, Arch. Gabriele Medina, Dott. Geol. Fulvio Epifani
Sustainability and environmental compliance
The new project involves the construction of a new garage area in Verbania. The opening words "parking breathing" want to be clear about the sustainable and environmentally respectful approach that distinguishes the new project in progress; both because of the materials and technology choices, the adopted landscape values. First of all the use of a vegetable facade, provided in this project, develops an active process of photosynthesis capable of releasing oxygen in the atmosphere. The most negative environmental aspects usually ascribed to a parking lot, due to the concentration in one place of a substantial vehicular traffic (with increase of Co2 concentration) are solved with the adoption of a wide vegetal facade. A kind of "lung" that, breathing, cleans the air of the surroundings.
Design Competition, First Prize